logo AGILEO.IT Sp. z o.o.

Welcome to our application system. Through this secure communication channel, you can report to us any irregularities or violations of the law concerning our entity. You can make a report both anonymously and by providing your data. It is up to you to choose the form of application. If you provide your data, we will protect it in accordance with our policy. Regardless of whether you provide us with your data or report an irregularity anonymously, you have the right and the opportunity to participate and follow the progress of the case. In any event, if you make a report in good faith, we will ensure that you are fully protected against any negative consequences that may result from your report.

Check out our issue regulations and privacy policy.

Tryb w jakim chcesz dokonać zgłoszenia?

Zgłoszenie zarówno anonimowe jak i wykonane z podaniem danych osobowych podlega ochronie.


Upuść pliki tutaj, aby je dodać


We now have all the information to accept your application. After registration, you will receive a unique token that will allow you to continue your participation in the case and verify the status of the issue.

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